Can Rabbits Eat Blueberries?

When it comes to year-round snacks, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a worthy competitor to blueberries. This fruit is packed with nutrients such as fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Not to mention the fact that it’s a great antioxidant and tastes fantastic.

With all of the health benefits that blueberries have, you may be wondering: Can rabbits eat blueberries?

Can Rabbits Eat Blueberries?

Yes, rabbits can eat blueberries on occasion. While this fruit isn’t dangerous for rabbits to eat, it shouldn’t be eaten in large quantities.

So, blueberries make for a nice snack, but they must be fed appropriately to avoid potential health problems.

What Do Rabbits Eat In The Wild?

​In order to better understand why rabbits can’t just chow down on bushes of blueberries, it helps to know what wild rabbits naturally eat. For thousands of years, rabbits have roamed free throughout North and South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, Japan, Europe, and Sumatra.

During this time, these wild rabbits have all eaten roughly the same foods, resulting in their digestive systems becoming fine-tuned for processing those foods.

​This is why it’s so important that you match your rabbit’s diet to the diet of a wild rabbit — their bodies are specially designed for certain foods!

A rabbit is an herbivore, meaning that its diet consists entirely of plants and various kinds of plant matter. Their bodies are able to use this plant matter to get all of their essential nutrients.

his gives you, the owner, quite a bit of freedom as herbivores can eat a wide variety of different plants but don’t require a very diverse diet. A wild rabbit’s diet mostly consists of wild grasses, leafy weeds, and forbs.

Upon observing a wild rabbit, you may notice that they spend most of their time simply grazing. Rabbits graze so much that about 80-90% of their diet is made up of grass!

The remaining 10-20% of their diet is made up of a mixture of different plants, which are mostly wildflowers, clovers, weeds, and vegetable plants.

​​Health Benefits & Dangers Of Blueberries

It’s clear why rabbits are able to eat blueberries but don’t necessarily gain much benefit from them once you’ve seen the diet of a wild rabbit.

Rabbits don’t necessarily have access to blueberries specifically, but they do eat some foods that are similar in nature. This allows rabbits to still be able to digest the blueberries and get some nutritional value from them.

There aren’t any serious health problems that can arise when feeding your rabbit small amounts of blueberries, but larger amounts may cause issues. Blueberries do contain a decent amount of water and sugar, although their sugar levels are generally lower than other fruits.

High sugar and water content may result in intestinal distress and weight gain. Avoid frozen blueberries at all costs as they’ll likely be higher in water and have a lower nutritional value.

​One other thing to note is that it’s generally agreed upon that rabbits should never be given fruits that have seeds or pits in them as they could cause complications. Blueberries do have seeds, but they’re so small that they generally won’t cause any issues, especially when you’re only feeding your rabbit small amounts.

​Despite these downsides, blueberries can make for a very tasty bunny treat when fed properly and worked into a complete diet.

​​How To Properly Feed Rabbits Blueberries

​Fortunately, it’s not difficult at all to properly feed blueberries to your rabbit if you do want to use them as a snack. There are a few things that you’ll want to be aware of to ensure the safety and overall health of your bunny, though.

In regards to serving size, you should be safe to feed your rabbit one or two smaller blueberries every week. This quantity allows them to act as a good snack but generally won’t be enough to come even close to causing your rabbit harm.

Some owners may opt to feed their rabbit more or less than this amount, but it’s up to you to watch your rabbit and ensure that their health isn’t being compromised by this fruit.

If you do want to supplement your rabbit’s diet with blueberries, you first need to make sure that all of their nutritional needs are being met. Despite the fact that blueberries have good nutritional content, they’re nowhere near healthy enough to act as a staple food in your rabbit’s diet.

Therefore, it’s essential that you ensure that your rabbit is getting the nutrients that they need before supplementing their diet with fruits and vegetables.

​Rabbit diets should be made up of about 80-90% high-quality hay. Hay is an essential part of a rabbit’s diet as their bodies are designed for the constant digestion and processing of grass throughout the day.

While it may not seem like the most nutritious food, hay provides rabbits with a majority of their essential nutrients.

​Ways Rabbits Can Eat Blueberries

While you can definitely feed regular blueberries to your rabbit as a treat, they can also be fed in several other different ways! Rabbits may not be very big or very bright, but they can still tell whether they’re getting tired of eating a certain food.

Providing your bunny with fresh fruits and veggies served different ways is a great way to add easy diversity to their diet.

  • ​Fresh blueberries – This is just a standard blueberry, and it can make for a tasty little treat every once in a while! You can either purchase these in a store or grow them in your own backyard. Make sure that the blueberries are cleaned before they’re given to your rabbit, and be sure to remove any stems or leaves.
  • Dehydrated blueberries – ​These are simply blueberries that have had around 90% of their water removed from them​​​. Although this is a pretty easy change that’s done with a simple food processor, it makes quite a big different for rabbits. They tend to love the change in flavor and texture. One thing to note, though, is that dehydrated blueberries will have a higher density of sugar, so you’ll need to feed it in smaller amounts.
  • Dried blueberries – Dried blueberries are blueberries that have had even more water removed from them. At this point, they’re even more dry but still very tasty. Again, the sugar concentration is much higher in these blueberries, so you’ll need to feed your rabbit less of them.
  • Blueberry jam – While blueberry jam is tasty, it should absolutely not be fed to them ever. Jam contains way too much sugar and not enough nutrients to be healthy for rabbits. It can also contain pectin or lemon juice — both are ingredients that are unhealthy for rabbits.

​​​Other Healthy Snacks For Your Rabbit

While you can definitely feed your rabbit a blueberry every now and then for a little snack, it definitely shouldn’t be the only snack food that they get. The secret to a healthy rabbit diet is a diverse selection of food in addition to their required hay.

This helps to keep their diet interesting and gives them a diverse array of nutrients. Below are some of the healthiest bunny snacks.

  • ​Artichoke leaves​​​
  • ​Cauliflower
  • ​Peas​​​
  • Peppers
  • Pumpkins
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Pumpkins

​​​Healthy ​Cucumber Alternatives For Rabbits

When it comes to healthy snacks for your rabbit, you’re not going to find anything better than fresh greens. However, there may be some times when you’d prefer to feed your rabbit a bit of a different snack from the usual.

Fortunately there are quite a few commercially-available snacks to choose from.


​​​​Emours Natural Bamboo Teeth Chews

​Although these treats are quite unusual, they’re one of the best things that you can give your bunny.

​The hard bamboo promotes dental health while the added natural sugar makes it tasty to munch on.

​Each stick lasts for a long time, making these treats an extremely good value.


​​​​Oxbow Simple Rewards Veggie Treats

​Oxbow consistently makes some great small pet treats, and these are absolutely no exception.

​The Simple Rewards treats are made with ingredients that closely match a rabbit’s natural diet.

​The first three ingredients — timothy meal, pearled barley, and oat groats — are all quite healthy.

2 thoughts on “Can Rabbits Eat Blueberries?”

  1. wow! 1 or 2 a week? LOL My Rabbit just discovered blueberries – only because I had some and gave her one and she LOVES THEM, I mean LOVES them. it’s crazy, I have never seen her get more excited about any food except green apple slices. Shes not going to be happy with me just giving her 1 or 2 blue berries a week is what I am getting at but whatever. I don’t want her to get sick.

    • LOL! If she has a very healthy diet otherwise, she could eat a bit more than that per week. I always recommend less than what’s technically safe because it’s always better to err on the side of caution 🙂 But yes, rabbits seem to absolutely LOVE blueberries, so restricting their intake isn’t super easy.

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